Friday, April 9, 2021

Tunde kabab – Lucknow special



            Tundey Kababi Secret, Recipe

There is loads for the vegetarians but for the non-vegetarians, this place is like Disneyland. 
 Lucknow is loved for its meaty delights with main focus being on the succulent kebabs (Tunday, Galouti, Boti, and Chapli).

Lucknow, the city of Nawabs, is home to many poets, lyricists, orgasmic food like the kebabs or like they say in the city 'kababs', biriyani and more

tunday kabab


  • Meat ½ Kg finely minced meat  
  • Onions 50 gm
  • Papaya 2 tbsp
  • Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
  • Red chilly powder 2 tbsp
  • Roasted besan 2 tbsp
  • Saffron 2 to 3 strands
  • Rose water 1/2 tsp
  • Milk powder 1 table spoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Desi Ghee to fry
  • Galawat masala
  • Jeera 1/2 tsp
  • Cinnamon stick 1 inch
  • Cloves 4-5
  • Green cardamom 4
  • Nutmeg one pinch
  • Badi elaichi  2 to 3
  • Mace (javitri) 1/4 tsp
  • Poppy seed (khas khas) 1 tsp
  • Mustard seeds ½ tsp
  • Bay leaves 2

For Dum

  • Coal 1
  • Cloves 3
  • Choti elaichi 3


  • Clean the raw papaya and make a paste of the fruit and add it to in finely minced meat. Leave it for 2 hrs.
  • Roast the besan.
  • Dry roast the spices and let it cool down, then grind to a paste.
  • Now cut the onions and sautee in ghee. After it cools down grind into a fine paste.
  • Grind ginger and garlic to make a paste or use the readymade paste that you get.  
  • Soak saffron in 2 tablespoon milk around 15-20 minutes before use.
  • Add roasted masala powder, onion paste, ginger garlic paste, roasted besan, red chilli powder, saffron, rose water, milk powder and salt in marinated meat.
  • Mix the ingredients very finely with the meat
  • Cover the meat and refrigerate for 4 -5 hrs.
  • Heat a small piece of coal till it starts burning.
  • Put it in a metal bowl and keep it in the center of the vessel containing meat.
  • Add some ghee and put cloves and green cardamom in it.
  • This will release pleasantly aromatic flavor and flavoured smoke into the meat.
  • Quickly cover the vessel with meat and burning coal with foil so that meat absorbs all very earthy flavour of ghee and coal.
  • Leave it covered for about 20 minutes.
  • Meat is now ready for kebabs.
  • Make flat patties of the meat.
  • Heat ghee and fry the patties on very low flame till cooked.
  • Serve it with paratha with onions lemon and mint chutney. 

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